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Visual Reviews

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Sharing Experiences

One of the main storytelling patterns found in exchanges that take place between people are the sharing of experiences. People love to share their experiences with things and this is especially common on social media platforms.


User reviews are a way for users to share their experiences with a product but again, we noticed that people weren’t using them to tell their stories. So we wanted to create an opportunity for buyers to participate in storytelling through sharing their experiences with other users.

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Say it with Visuals

We wanted photos to be the primary way for users to review products. Through this we wanted to create a culture of show, not just tell within the platform. Old ways of product reviews were just not cutting it. There was too much text and too few visuals. Take a look below.

Our revamped review card




Reviews with images attached tend to perform better than those just comprising of text. We wanted to take this further and make the reviews section a way for buyers to inspire others with the ways they make use of the product, as well as to show how the item might look in a variety of settings.

Our revamped review card

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Inspire others

From our interviews, users already loved taking photos of new things they bought. So why not give them a chance to share them on the platform as well? 


Through this simple way, users contribute to widening the creative possibilities of the product which can then serve to inspire other users or the creators themselves.

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3. Livestreaming

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