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Reimagining experiences for online craft marketplaces 

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The Market Project

seeks to explore the different

ways that storytelling can be

reframed and reintroduced

in online craft marketplaces

as a means to enhance the

experience of these platforms.


Welcome to the Market Project

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We started The Market Project to explore the different ways we could bring the practice of storytelling back into the experience of online craft marketplaces. We sought to introduce more ways to encourage users to tell and exchange stories in the online craft marketplace and in doing so, inspire more UX teams to do the same through this documentation of our findings and exploration. 


As part of the project we created an app to showcase the different ways that designers can introduce more instances for storytelling to occur and for stories to be exchanged. This site is a case study of all the features we introduced, why we introduced them and how they create opportunities for storytelling. 

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Goals for a new experience in online craft marketplaces

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Create a more social environment

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Reintroduce a sense

of discovery

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Inspire more creative work within the community

How will we do this?

By storytelling.

Storytelling is a big part of craft marketplaces. It’s a big part of what drives us to do something and why we create. By using storytelling to foster interaction among participants in the marketplace we wanted to inspire and offer creators new ways to engage with their audience and other creatives in the community.

Every Creator has a Story

Craft marketplaces are places that inspire creation, innovation and exploration. We love craft marketplaces, and with the development of platforms such as Etsy, Artfire and Zazzle that help to move these marketplaces online, creators and collectors have a global reach to share and support their love for craft. 


However, we realised that something was lacking in their transition online. The environment became a lot less exciting and experiences within the platforms were designed to be very pragmatic. We started this project because we missed the spirit of physical marketplaces and wanted to bring it back. 


Here's how we did it.

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Creating Narratives

The platform makes use of a variety of ways for users to participate in storytelling. Here we discuss how we can create more opportunities for both buyers and sellers to create and exchange narratives.

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Visual Storytelling

While sellers are aware of the importance of visuals, not many see them as an opportunity to communicate a story. We propose how to introduce a visuals-first approach in engaging buyers, to show and not just tell. 

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Explore Stories

We developed a way for users to discover more about the marketplace through its narratives. We share how this can offer users a unique ways rediscover the marketplace and connect with other users through these stories shared.


Read More

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Our Story

Hear our story and development process

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Visit our Blog

Read about the user testing and our reflections

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See the Product

Visit the microsite to learn more about the product


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