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Livestream Sessions

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Building community through shared stories

Livestreaming is another way for us to tell our stories while creating a level of intimacy with our audiences. It is another way for users to share experiences with one another. Furthermore it allows us to share authentic stories of our process in real time and gives sellers the opportunity to interact with the audience live. This shared experience allows us to forge stronger relationships with other users and builds a stronger community.


Trends in


Trends in e-commerce point to a demand for more communal yet personalised experience that allows users to be active participants in. With a growing number of tech savvy consumers and mobile shoppers, livestreaming has been forecasted to be one of the next advancements in online shopping. Just look at the slideshow on the right for some examples!


Social media platforms have also started to adopt livestreaming into their platforms.


We wanted to take this trend and run with it, to see how we could push it as another way for stories to be shared on the platform.

Launch of livestream features on different platforms


Another medium for visual storytelling

Video is a growing medium of visual storytelling and we wanted to introduce more ways for sellers to make use of visual storytelling, so we introduced a livestream page.


We dedicated a page to sellers who crafted thoughtful and insightful livestream videos that showcased their process or educated viewers on materials in engaging ways.


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1. Unconventional    Categories


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